Freedom from Fear
by Jonathan Musvosvi
Freedom from Fear
Breaking the Chains of Spiritual Darkness
Author: Jonathan Musvosvi
Fear is a familiar emotion, one that all of us have experienced at one point or another. We fear everything from illness, to financial instability, to the unknown future – these uncertainties affect our lives and health in negative ways. In some cultures, including many in Africa, the fear of the spiritual world is especially evident. This leads numerous people to live under a constant cloud of fear. Freedom from Fear tackles some age-old beliefs within spiritualism in order
to uncover their true nature and influence, asking questions such as:
- Can a Christian be bewitched?
- Are ghost stories really true?
- Are all miracle healings from God?
The author concludes that there is no mystery about the origin of spiritual manifestations. Yet the Bible offers freedom for all who seek it in Jesus Christ.
With God’s promises of deliverance, there is freedom from fear!
Dr Jonathan Musvosvi is currently serving as a pastor in the North Zimbabwe Seventh-day Adventist Conference. He has been a pastor since 2004 and was the President of the East Zimbabwe conference between 2012 and 2014. Before doing so, he served as a chaplain at The University of Eastern Africa, Baraton. Dr Musvosvi graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 1995, and a Doctor of Ministry degree at Andrews University, in 1999. He has authored a collection of poetry called Dreams and Meditations. Dr Musvosvi is married to Judith and they have three children, Virgil, Anesu and Yevai. His hobbies include writing poetry and landscaping.
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-99949-937-0-3
Size: 210mm x 140mm
Pages : 77